Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Maple Phone Concept Design

Talk about being a wooden conversationalist! The Maple Phone design from Koreans Hyun Jin Yoon and Eun Hak Lee is something totally different - where the keypad is covered in a thin wooden film, lighting up when you need to use it. This is somewhat akin to the original Motorola RAZR in terms of functionality, so hopefully the user interface won't be as much of a pain to use as Motorola's offering. In addition to touch-sensitive buttons, the Maple phone also comes with a camera (of unknown megapixel count, but since this is a concept why not throw in a number like 5?), measuring 4.5cm x 10.4cm x 9.8 cm. When you're done with it, I suppose you can strip the Maple phone and turn it into firewood to keep yourself warm during the cold winter months.

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